Ecology & Evolutionary Biology (BIOEE)Agriculture and Life Sciences

Showing 23 results.

Course descriptions provided by the Courses of Study 2017-2018.

BIOEE 1610

This course provides an introduction to ecology, covering interactions between organisms and the environment at scales of populations, communities, and ecosystems. Ecological principles are used to explore ... view course details

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  •   Regular Academic Session.  Choose one lecture and one discussion.

  • 3 Credits Stdnt Opt

  •  3018 BIOEE 1610   LEC 001

  • 3 or 4 credits; 4-credit option involves writing component and a discussion section that meets twice per week. Biological sciences majors must take course for a letter grade.

  •  3020 BIOEE 1610   DIS 201

  •  3021 BIOEE 1610   DIS 202

  •  3022 BIOEE 1610   DIS 203

  •  3023 BIOEE 1610   DIS 204

  •  3024 BIOEE 1610   DIS 205

  •  3025 BIOEE 1610   DIS 206

  •  3026 BIOEE 1610   DIS 207

  •  4521 BIOEE 1610   DIS 208

  •  3027 BIOEE 1610   DIS 209

  •  3028 BIOEE 1610   DIS 210

  •  3029 BIOEE 1610   DIS 211

  •  3656 BIOEE 1610   DIS 212

  •  3030 BIOEE 1610   DIS 213

  •  4264 BIOEE 1610   DIS 214

  •  4522 BIOEE 1610   DIS 215

  •  4523 BIOEE 1610   DIS 216

  •  4524 BIOEE 1610   DIS 217

BIOEE 1780

Considers explanations for pattern of diversity and the apparent good fit of organisms to the environment. Topics include the diversity of life, the genetics and developmental basis of evolutionary change, ... view course details

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  •   Regular Academic Session.  Choose one lecture and one discussion.

  • 4 Credits Stdnt Opt

  •  1828 BIOEE 1780   LEC 001

  • 4-5 credit class. Enrollment preference given to freshmen, sophomores, and transfer students. One field trip. Biological sciences majors must take course for a letter grade. 4 credits with 3 lectures & 1 discussion section per week; 5 credits with 3 lectures per week and a Writing in the Majors discussion section that meets twice per week. Limited to 15 students per section in 5 credit option; interested students complete application first day of class. Students enrolled in the Galapagos/Writing curriculum will travel to the Galapagos Islands over Spring Break.

  •  1830 BIOEE 1780   DIS 201

  •  1831 BIOEE 1780   DIS 202

  •  1832 BIOEE 1780   DIS 203

  •  1833 BIOEE 1780   DIS 204

  •  4535 BIOEE 1780   DIS 205

  •  1834 BIOEE 1780   DIS 206

  •  1835 BIOEE 1780   DIS 207

  •  1836 BIOEE 1780   DIS 208

  •  1837 BIOEE 1780   DIS 209

  •  3586 BIOEE 1780   DIS 210

  •  3069 BIOEE 1780   DIS 211

  •  3587 BIOEE 1780   DIS 212

  •  3070 BIOEE 1780   DIS 213

  •  4536 BIOEE 1780   DIS 214

BIOEE 2526

This on-campus and international field course combination provides participating students with a broad introduction to the research process in field ecology, with literature and hands-on examples drawn ... view course details

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Syllabi: none
  •   Seven Week - First.  Choose one lecture and one field studies.

  • 4 Credits Graded

  • 14360 BIOEE 2526   LEC 001

    • MW Corson-Mudd A409
    • Jan 24 - Mar 16, 2018
    • Campagna, L

  • 16783 BIOEE 2526   FLD 801

    • TBA
    • Jan 8 - Jan 21, 2018
    • Campagna, L

  • Field trip to Patagonia.Travel dates are 1/7/18 and 1/22/18.

BIOEE 2641

Provides students with the opportunity to study birds intensively in a neotropical environment. Students learn observational and field techniques, formulate and participate in group research projects. view course details

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Syllabi: none
  •   Seven Week - First.  Choose one lecture and one field studies.

  • 3 Credits Stdnt Opt

  • 16551 BIOEE 2641   LEC 001

    • T Corson-Mudd A409
    • Jan 24 - Mar 16, 2018
    • Dhondt, A

  • Field trip to the Dominican Republic January 9-21, 2018. Students will travel January 8, 2018 and January 22, 2018.

  • 16787 BIOEE 2641   FLD 801

  • Taught in the Dominican Republic. Students will travel January 8, 2018 and January 22, 2018.

BIOEE 2740

Introductory course in vertebrate organismal biology that explores the anatomy and function of vertebrates with an emphasis on trends in vertebrate evolution. Lectures cover topics such as the origin, ... view course details

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  •   Regular Academic Session.  Choose one lecture and one laboratory.

  • 4 Credits Stdnt Opt

  •  1825 BIOEE 2740   LEC 001

  • Prerequisite: two majors-level biology courses. Course Fee: $25.

  •  1826 BIOEE 2740   LAB 401

  •  1827 BIOEE 2740   LAB 402

  •  3374 BIOEE 2740   LAB 403

BIOEE 3510

Focuses on field methods used to study marine organisms and ecosystems in efforts to sustain them in the face of many environmental challenges. Introduces students to modern techniques of marine-ecosystems ... view course details

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Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session.  Combined with: EAS 3510

  • 4 Credits Graded

  • 14392 BIOEE 3510   LEC 001

    • TBA Waimea, HI
    • Feb 21 - Mar 23, 2018
    • Greene, C

      Harvell, C

  • Taught in Waimea, Hawaii. Enrollment limited to: students enrolled in the Cornell Ocean Research Apprenticeship for Lynch Scholars Program. You must apply to be accepted to the program by contacting the course coordinator Phoebe Dawkins ([email protected]). Students will be traveling on February 20th and March 23rd.

BIOEE 3690

Why are chilies so spicy? This course examines the chemical basis of interactions between species and is intended for students with a basic knowledge of chemistry and biology. Focuses on the ecology and ... view course details

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  •   Regular Academic Session.  Combined with: BIONB 3690ENTOM 3690

  • 3 Credits Stdnt Opt

  •  1458 BIOEE 3690   LEC 001

  • Prerequisite: one majors-level biology course and one semester introductory chemistry for majors or nonmajors or equivalents, or permission of instructor.

BIOEE 3780

This course is an introduction to CT visualization for its applications in comparative biology of the vertebrates. Students will learn and practice the exploration of vertebrate anatomy with OSIRIX 3-D ... view course details

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Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session. 

  • 2 Credits Graded

  •  4459 BIOEE 3780   SEM 101

  • Recommended prerequisite: BIOEE 2740 or BIOSM 2740.

BIOEE 4460

How do plants respond to antagonists, such as herbivores and pathogens? What are the checks and balances that keep mutualist organisms in their tight interactions? How are symbioses organized on molecular, ... view course details

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  •   Regular Academic Session.  Combined with: BIONB 4460PLSCI 4460

  • 3 Credits Stdnt Opt

  •  4461 BIOEE 4460   LEC 001

    • MWF Corson-Mudd A106
    • Kessler, A

      Pawlowska, T

      Raguso, R

BIOEE 4461

Laboratory course covering topics presented in BIOEE 4460/BIONB 4460/PLSCI 4460. view course details

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Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session.  Combined with: BIONB 4461PLSCI 4461

  • 1 Credit Stdnt Opt

  •  4464 BIOEE 4461   LAB 401

    • R Corson-Mudd A409
    • Kessler, A

      Pawlowska, T

      Raguso, R

  • Prerequisite or corequisite: BIOEE 4460, BIONB 4460, or PLSCI 4460. Enrollment limited to 12 students.

BIOEE 4660

Detailed survey of the physiological approaches used to understand the relationships between organisms (plants and animals) and their environment. Lectures explore physiological adaptation; limiting factors; ... view course details

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Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session. 

  • 3 Credits Stdnt Opt

  • 17997 BIOEE 4660   LEC 001

  • Prereq: BIOEE 1610, BIOG 1440, BIOG 1445, BIOAP 3110 or permission of instructor. Letter grades only (S/U grades with permission of instructor).

BIOEE 4750

Lectures cover various aspects of the biology of birds, including anatomy, physiology, systematics, evolution, behavior, ecology, and biogeography. Laboratory includes dissection of dead material, studies ... view course details

View Enrollment Information

  •   Regular Academic Session.  Choose one lecture and one laboratory.

  • 5 Credits Stdnt Opt

  • 15812 BIOEE 4750   LEC 001

  • Limited to 35 students. Prerequisite: permission of instructor required. Students should enroll in the course and then complete a questionnaire form available at E241 Corson Hall. Recommended: BIOEE 2740 or BIOSM 2740. Carpooling or taking the shuttle to the lab of Ornithology is necessary. Occasional field trips and special projects.

  • 15813 BIOEE 4750   LAB 401

BIOEE 4790

Surveys the major groups of organisms and their evolutionary histories. Intended to fill out the biological backgrounds of Earth and atmospheric science students concerning the nature and significance ... view course details

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Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session.  Choose one lecture and one laboratory. Combined with: EAS 4790

  • 4 Credits Stdnt Opt

  •  2346 BIOEE 4790   LEC 001

  • Prerequisite: two majors-level biology courses and either BIOEE 2740, BIOSM 3730, EAS 3010, or permission of instructor.

  •  2347 BIOEE 4790   LAB 401

    • R
    • Allmon, W

  • The lab will be held at the Museum of the Earth. Transportation will be provided.

BIOEE 4920

The research apprenticeship aims to teach students critical hands-on research skills and team-building in a closely mentored environment. This research apprenticeship in a field marine setting will be ... view course details

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Syllabi: none
  •   Seven Week - Second. 

  • 6 Credits Graded

  • 14428 BIOEE 4920   FLD 801

  • Taught at Friday Harbor, WA. Students will travel to Friday Harbor on March 25 and leave on May 4. Prerequisites: Intro Biology or Intro Oceanography, and permission of instructor. This course is part of an off campus program at Friday Harbor Marine Labs that provides field research experience for advanced students in marine biology. You must apply to be accepted to the program by contacting the course coordinator Phoebe Dawkins ([email protected]).

BIOEE 4930

The course will take advantage of the species diversity of marine invertebrates in the Salish Sea of the Pacific Northwest, the huge variation in easily accessible field habitats and the excellent ... view course details

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Syllabi: none
  •   Seven Week - Second. 

  • 6 Credits Graded

  • 14427 BIOEE 4930   FLD 801

  • Taught at Friday Harbor, WA. Students will travel to Friday Harbor on March 25 and leave on May 4. Prerequisites: Intro Biology or Intro Oceanography, and permission of instructor. This course is part of an off campus program at Friday Harbor Marine Labs that provides field research experience for advanced students in marine biology. You must apply to be accepted to the program by contacting the course coordinator Phoebe Dawkins ([email protected]).

BIOEE 4980

Designed to give qualified undergraduate students teaching experience through actual involvement in planning and assisting in biology courses. This experience may include supervised participation in a ... view course details

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Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session. 

  • 1-4 Credits Stdnt Opt

  •  1838 BIOEE 4980   IND 601

    • TBA
    • Staff

  • Limited enrollment. Prerequisites: previous enrollment in course to be taught or equivalent. Students must register using individual study form (Available online:

Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session. 

  • 1-4 Credits Stdnt Opt

  •  4663 BIOEE 4980   IND 607

    • TBA
    • St. Juliana, J

BIOEE 6602

Designed to give graduate students experience in defining questions and designing field investigations. The course is based at the Archbold Biological Station in central Florida over spring break and during ... view course details

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Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session. 

  • 3 Credits Graded

  • 15814 BIOEE 6602   FLD 801

    • TBA
    • Sparks, J

      Zamudio, K

  • Prerequisite: graduate standing. Fee charged to help cover food and lodging for field trip to Florida.

BIOEE 6900

Graduate-level discussion of the ecology, epidemiology, genetics, and evolution of infectious disease in animal and plant systems. Weekly discussion of research papers published in the primary scientific ... view course details

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Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session.  Combined with: ENTOM 6900

  • 1 Credit Sat/Unsat

  •  2778 BIOEE 6900   SEM 101

    • R
    • Hajek, A

      Harvell, C

BIOEE 7570

Examines the role of space for individuals, populations and communities in ecology. Each weekly meeting will be a discussion based on journal articles and book chapters. General topics will be individual ... view course details

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Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session.  Combined with: ENTOM 7570

  • 1 Credit Sat/Unsat

  •  4580 BIOEE 7570   SEM 101

    • T
    • van Nouhuys, S

BIOEE 7600

Independent or group-intensive study of special topics of current interest. Content varies each semester. view course details

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Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session. 

  • 3 Credits Sat/Unsat

  • Topic: Intro to Modeling in E&EB

  •  4641 BIOEE 7600   SEM 102

    • TBA
    • Ellner, S

BIOEE 7640

Group intensive study of current research in plant-insect interactions. Topics vary from semester to semester but include chemical defense, coevolution, insect community structure, population regulation, ... view course details

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Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session.  Combined with: BIONB 7640ENTOM 7640

  • 1 Credit Sat/Unsat

  •  1839 BIOEE 7640   SEM 101

    • TBA
    • Agrawal, A

      Kessler, A

      Poveda, K

      Raguso, R

      Thaler, J

  • Permission of instructor required for undergraduate students. May be repeated for credit.

BIOEE 8990

Thesis research conducted by an M.S. student in the field of ecology and evolutionary biology with advice and consultation of a major professor who is a member of the field. view course details

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Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session. 

  • 1-15 Credits Sat/Unsat

  •  1840 BIOEE 8990   RSC 701

    • TBA
    • Staff

  • Enrollment limited to: students in the field of ecology and evolutionary biology.

Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session. 

  • 1-15 Credits Sat/Unsat

  •  2834 BIOEE 8990   RSC 702

    • TBA
    • Dhondt, A

  • Enrollment limited to: students in the field of ecology and evolutionary biology.

Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session. 

  • 1-15 Credits Sat/Unsat

  •  2835 BIOEE 8990   RSC 703

    • TBA
    • Lovette, I

  • Enrollment limited to: students in the field of ecology and evolutionary biology.

Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session. 

  • 1-15 Credits Sat/Unsat

  •  3092 BIOEE 8990   RSC 704

    • TBA
    • Howarth, R

  • Enrollment limited to: students in the field of ecology and evolutionary biology.

Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session. 

  • 1-15 Credits Sat/Unsat

  •  3191 BIOEE 8990   RSC 705

    • TBA
    • Winkler, D

  • Enrollment limited to: students in the field of ecology and evolutionary biology.

Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session. 

  • 1-15 Credits Sat/Unsat

  •  3347 BIOEE 8990   RSC 706

    • TBA
    • Bemis, W

  • Enrollment limited to: students in the field of ecology and evolutionary biology.

Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session. 

  • 1-15 Credits Sat/Unsat

  •  3396 BIOEE 8990   RSC 707

    • TBA
    • Power, A

  • Enrollment limited to: students in the field of ecology and evolutionary biology.

Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session. 

  • 1-15 Credits Sat/Unsat

  •  3604 BIOEE 8990   RSC 708

    • TBA
    • Hairston, N

  • Enrollment limited to: students in the field of ecology and evolutionary biology.

BIOEE 9990

Dissertation research conducted by a Ph.D. student in the field of ecology and evolutionary biology with advice and consultation of a major professor who is a member of the field. view course details

View Enrollment Information

Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session. 

  • 1-15 Credits Sat/Unsat

  •  1841 BIOEE 9990   RSC 701

    • TBA
    • Staff

  • Enrollment limited to: Ph.D. students in the field of ecology and evolutionary biology.

Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session. 

  • 1-15 Credits Sat/Unsat

  •  2812 BIOEE 9990   RSC 702

    • TBA
    • Agrawal, A

  • Enrollment limited to: Ph.D. students in the field of ecology and evolutionary biology.

Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session. 

  • 1-15 Credits Sat/Unsat

  •  2813 BIOEE 9990   RSC 703

    • TBA
    • Clark, A

  • Enrollment limited to: Ph.D. students in the field of ecology and evolutionary biology.

Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session. 

  • 1-15 Credits Sat/Unsat

  •  2814 BIOEE 9990   RSC 704

    • TBA
    • Dhondt, A

  • Enrollment limited to: Ph.D. students in the field of ecology and evolutionary biology.

Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session. 

  • 1-15 Credits Sat/Unsat

  •  2815 BIOEE 9990   RSC 705

    • TBA
    • Ellner, S

  • Enrollment limited to: Ph.D. students in the field of ecology and evolutionary biology.

Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session. 

  • 1-15 Credits Sat/Unsat

  •  2816 BIOEE 9990   RSC 706

    • TBA
    • Fitzpatrick, J

  • Enrollment limited to: Ph.D. students in the field of ecology and evolutionary biology.

Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session. 

  • 1-15 Credits Sat/Unsat

  •  2817 BIOEE 9990   RSC 707

    • TBA
    • Flecker, A

  • Enrollment limited to: Ph.D. students in the field of ecology and evolutionary biology.

Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session. 

  • 1-15 Credits Sat/Unsat

  •  2818 BIOEE 9990   RSC 708

    • TBA
    • Geber, M

  • Enrollment limited to: Ph.D. students in the field of ecology and evolutionary biology.

Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session. 

  • 1-15 Credits Sat/Unsat

  •  2819 BIOEE 9990   RSC 709

    • TBA
    • Goodale, C

  • Enrollment limited to: Ph.D. students in the field of ecology and evolutionary biology.

Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session. 

  • 1-15 Credits Sat/Unsat

  •  2820 BIOEE 9990   RSC 710

    • TBA
    • Hairston, N

  • Enrollment limited to: Ph.D. students in the field of ecology and evolutionary biology.

Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session. 

  • 1-15 Credits Sat/Unsat

  • 16572 BIOEE 9990   RSC 711

    • TBA
    • Lodge, D

  • Enrollment limited to : Ph.D. students in the Field of ecology and evolutionary biology.

Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session. 

  • 1-15 Credits Sat/Unsat

  •  2821 BIOEE 9990   RSC 712

    • TBA
    • Harvell, C

  • Enrollment limited to: Ph.D. students in the field of ecology and evolutionary biology.

Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session. 

  • 1-15 Credits Sat/Unsat

  •  2822 BIOEE 9990   RSC 713

    • TBA
    • Kessler, A

  • Enrollment limited to: Ph.D. students in the field of ecology and evolutionary biology.

Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session. 

  • 1-15 Credits Sat/Unsat

  •  2823 BIOEE 9990   RSC 714

    • TBA
    • Lovette, I

  • Enrollment limited to: Ph.D. students in the field of ecology and evolutionary biology.

Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session. 

  • 1-15 Credits Sat/Unsat

  •  2824 BIOEE 9990   RSC 715

    • TBA
    • McCune, A

  • Enrollment limited to: Ph.D. students in the field of ecology and evolutionary biology.

Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session. 

  • 1-15 Credits Sat/Unsat

  •  2825 BIOEE 9990   RSC 716

    • TBA
    • Power, A

  • Enrollment limited to: Ph.D. students in the field of ecology and evolutionary biology.

Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session. 

  • 1-15 Credits Sat/Unsat

  •  2826 BIOEE 9990   RSC 717

    • TBA
    • Sparks, J

  • Enrollment limited to: Ph.D. students in the field of ecology and evolutionary biology.

Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session. 

  • 1-15 Credits Sat/Unsat

  •  2827 BIOEE 9990   RSC 718

    • TBA
    • Thaler, J

  • Enrollment limited to: Ph.D. students in the field of ecology and evolutionary biology.

Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session. 

  • 1-15 Credits Sat/Unsat

  •  2828 BIOEE 9990   RSC 719

    • TBA
    • Winkler, D

  • Enrollment limited to: Ph.D. students in the field of ecology and evolutionary biology.

Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session. 

  • 1-15 Credits Sat/Unsat

  •  2829 BIOEE 9990   RSC 720

    • TBA
    • Zamudio, K

  • Enrollment limited to: Ph.D. students in the field of ecology and evolutionary biology.

Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session. 

  • 1-15 Credits Sat/Unsat

  •  2830 BIOEE 9990   RSC 721

    • TBA
    • Fitzpatrick, J

      Flecker, A

  • Enrollment limited to: Ph.D. students in the field of ecology and evolutionary biology.

Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session. 

  • 1-15 Credits Sat/Unsat

  •  2831 BIOEE 9990   RSC 722

    • TBA
    • Clark, A

      Fitzpatrick, J

  • Enrollment limited to: Ph.D. students in the field of ecology and evolutionary biology.

Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session. 

  • 1-15 Credits Sat/Unsat

  •  2832 BIOEE 9990   RSC 723

    • TBA
    • Flecker, A

      Hairston, N

  • Enrollment limited to: Ph.D. students in the field of ecology and evolutionary biology.

Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session. 

  • 1-15 Credits Sat/Unsat

  •  2833 BIOEE 9990   RSC 724

    • TBA
    • Therkildsen, N

      Zamudio, K

  • Enrollment limited to: Ph.D. students in the field of ecology and evolutionary biology.

Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session. 

  • 1-15 Credits Sat/Unsat

  •  3016 BIOEE 9990   RSC 725

    • TBA
    • Greene, C

  • Enrollment limited to: Ph.D. students in the field of ecology and evolutionary biology.

Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session. 

  • 1-15 Credits Sat/Unsat

  •  3017 BIOEE 9990   RSC 726

    • TBA
    • Bemis, W

  • Enrollment limited to: Ph.D. students in the field of ecology and evolutionary biology.

Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session. 

  • 1-15 Credits Sat/Unsat

  •  4651 BIOEE 9990   RSC 727

    • TBA
    • Danforth, B

      Searle, J

Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session. 

  • 1-15 Credits Sat/Unsat

  •  3089 BIOEE 9990   RSC 728

    • TBA
    • Searle, J

  • Enrollment limited to: Ph.D. students in the field of ecology and evolutionary biology.

Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session. 

  • 1-15 Credits Sat/Unsat

  •  3090 BIOEE 9990   RSC 729

    • TBA
    • Drinkwater, L

  • Enrollment limited to: Ph.D. students in the field of ecology and evolutionary biology.

Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session. 

  • 1-15 Credits Sat/Unsat

  •  3171 BIOEE 9990   RSC 730

    • TBA
    • Howarth, R

  • Enrollment limited to: Ph.D. students in the field of ecology and evolutionary biology.

Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session. 

  • 1-15 Credits Sat/Unsat

  •  3178 BIOEE 9990   RSC 731

    • TBA
    • Vitousek, M

  • Enrollment limited to: Ph.D. students in the field of ecology and evolutionary biology.

Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session. 

  • 1-15 Credits Sat/Unsat

  •  3348 BIOEE 9990   RSC 732

    • TBA
    • Drinkwater, L

      Power, A

  • Enrollment limited to: Ph.D. students in the field of ecology and evolutionary biology.

Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session. 

  • 1-15 Credits Sat/Unsat

  •  3371 BIOEE 9990   RSC 733

    • TBA
    • Reed, R

  • Enrollment limited to: Ph.D. students in the field of ecology and evolutionary biology.

Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session. 

  • 1-15 Credits Sat/Unsat

  •  4263 BIOEE 9990   RSC 734

    • TBA
    • Fahey, T

      Goodale, C

  • Enrollment limited to PhD students in the field of ecology and evolutionary biology.

Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session. 

  • 1-15 Credits Sat/Unsat

  •  4374 BIOEE 9990   RSC 736

    • TBA
    • Searle, J

      Sparks, J

  • Enrollment limited to: Ph.D. students in the field of ecology and evolutionary biology.

Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session. 

  • 1-15 Credits Sat/Unsat

  •  4387 BIOEE 9990   RSC 737

    • TBA
    • Fahey, T

  • Enrollment limited to: Ph.D. students in the field of ecology and evolutionary biology.

Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session. 

  • 1-15 Credits Sat/Unsat

  •  4472 BIOEE 9990   RSC 738

    • TBA
    • Ellner, S

      Flecker, A

  • Enrollment limited to PhD students in the field of ecology and evolutionary biology.

Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session. 

  • 1-15 Credits Sat/Unsat

  • 18687 BIOEE 9990   RSC 739

    • TBA
    • Vitousek, M

      Winkler, D